BMW Electric Car Not Charging – 5 Causes & Solutions

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Written By John Paul

John Paul is a tech enthusiast dedicated to troubleshooting. He is passionate about fixing glitches, simplifying complexities, and empowering others in the digital realm.

If you are facing the BMW electric car not charging issue, it can be frustrating and concerning. But worry not!

In this article, we will explore the possible reasons behind the BMW electric car not charging issue and provide troubleshooting steps to help you identify and resolve the issue.

So, if you’re ready to learn how to fix the BMW electric car not charging issue, keep reading!


5 Common Causes for BMW Electric Car Charging Issues

Understanding the possible causes of this issue is crucial in troubleshooting and resolving the problem. Following are 5 common causes of the BMW electric car not charging issue.

Cause Description
1. Insufficient power supply Inadequate power from the outlet or electrical infrastructure
2. Charging cable or connector issues Damaged or malfunctioning cables or connectors
3. Faulty charging station or adapter Malfunctioning public charging station or incompatible adapter
4. Battery-related problems Depleted or malfunctioning battery, battery management issues
5. Software or firmware glitches Glitches, bugs, or outdated software/firmware affecting communication

BMW Electric Car Charging – 5 Troubleshooting Steps

Following are 5 troubleshooting steps to identify and resolve common charging problems.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your BMW electric car charging system is functioning properly and enjoy a seamless charging experience.

Let’s get started!

1. Basic Checks

When troubleshooting a BMW electric car that is not charging, there are some basic checks you can perform to identify the problem.

These checks help ensure that the charging process is set up correctly and all necessary components are in proper working condition.

1. Ensure Proper Connection:

Start by checking the connection between the charging cable and the car’s charging port. Make sure the cable is securely inserted into the port and properly locked in place.

Loose connections can prevent proper charging and should be avoided.

2. Verify Power Source Availability:

Confirm that the power source you are using, such as a charging station or wall outlet, is supplying electricity. Check if other devices or vehicles are successfully charging from the same power source.

3. Check the Charging Cable and Connector:

Examine the charging cable and connector for any visible damage or wear. Inspect the cable for frayed wires, bent pins, or other signs of deterioration.

Damaged cables or connectors may disrupt the charging process and should be repaired or replaced as necessary.

BMW Electric Car Not Charging 5 Fixes - Infographic

Also ReadBMW Battery Not Charging Warning – 6 Troubleshooting Steps

2. Charging Station Inspection

Charging station inspection is a crucial step when troubleshooting a BMW electric car that is not charging. This step helps identify any issues related to the charging station itself.

Here’s a detailed explanation of each sub-step:

No. Step Description
1. Check charging station compatibility Verify that the charging station is compatible with your BMW electric car, considering the required standards and specifications.
2. Inspect charging station components Thoroughly examine the charging station components, including the cable, plug, charging port, and display panel.

Look for any visible damage, corrosion, or abnormal behavior.

3. Test with an alternative station Connect your BMW electric car to an alternative charging station to determine if the issue lies with the original station.

A successful charge indicates a problem with the original station.

BMW i4 against 3 charging stations


3. Battery-Related Checks

Battery-related checks focus on examining the battery and its associated components to identify any potential issues.

– Check Battery Charge Level:

Verify the current charge level of the BMW electric car’s battery. Use the vehicle’s dashboard or infotainment system to access the battery charge status.

If the battery charge is extremely low or depleted, it may prevent the car from accepting a charge.

In such cases, connecting the car to a power source or allowing it to charge for a sufficient amount of time may resolve the issue.

– Inspect Battery Condition and Connections:

Carefully examine the battery and its connections for any signs of damage or corrosion. Check the battery terminals, cables, and connectors for loose connections, frayed wires, or visible wear.

Clean any corrosion or debris from the battery terminals using a battery terminal cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and water. Ensure that the connections are tight and secure.

Damaged or corroded components can hinder the charging process and may require repair or replacement.

Also Read: BMW Not Charging Battery – 6 Causes & Solutions

4. Updating Software & Firmware

Updating the software can address potential issues related to charging, connectivity, and overall system performance.

Follow the steps below to update the software on your BMW:

  • Go to the official BMW website and scroll down to find the software update link.
  • Click on the link to access the software update page.
  • Scroll down on the page and enter your vehicle identification number (VIN) to ensure you download the correct update for your specific BMW model.
  • Download the software update file from the BMW website.
  • Copy the updated file to a USB drive.
  • Insert the USB drive into your BMW’s media port.
  • Start the car and navigate to the “Settings” menu.
  • Select “Software Update” from the menu options.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to install the update.

Remember if you have a hybrid BMW i4 or iX, you can update the software or firmware over the air. This means that you do not need to use a USB drive to update the software or firmware.

5. Seeking Professional Assistance

If you have exhausted all the troubleshooting steps and your BMW electric car still isn’t charging, it may be time to seek professional assistance.

Contact your nearest BMW dealership or authorized service center to schedule an appointment with a qualified technician. They have the expertise and specialized equipment to diagnose and resolve complex charging issues.

Seeking professional assistance ensures that the problem is accurately identified and resolved, helping you get back on the road with a fully charged electric car.

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Preventative Maintenance Tips for Your BMW Electric Car

Proactively maintaining your BMW EV’s charging system can help prevent potential issues and ensure optimal performance.

Here are some preventative maintenance tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep your charging cable clean and free from debris to prevent damage.
  • Check the cable for any signs of fraying or wear and tear, and replace it if necessary.
  • Monitor the charging time and temperature
  • Regularly check for software updates that may improve the performance of your vehicle’s charging system.
  • Schedule routine inspections with a certified technician to identify any potential issues before they become major problems.

By following these simple steps, you can help maintain the efficiency and reliability of your BMW electric car’s charging system.


Why is my BMW electric car not charging?

There could be several reasons for this, including issues with the charging station, charging cable, battery, or software. It’s important to investigate each possibility.

What should I do if my BMW electric car is not charging?

Start by checking the charging cable connections and ensuring a proper power source. Inspect the charging station and cable for any visible damage.

If the issue persists, consult the vehicle’s manual or contact BMW customer support.

How can I determine if the charging station is compatible with my BMW electric car?

Check the charging station’s specifications and ensure it supports the charging standards required by your BMW electric car.

Refer to the vehicle’s manual or contact BMW customer support for information on compatible charging stations.

What should I look for when inspecting the charging station components?

Inspect the charging cable for damage, such as frayed wires or loose connectors. Examine the plug and charging port for any visible issues like bent pins or corrosion.

Pay attention to the charging station’s display panel for error messages or abnormal behavior.

Can I use an alternative charging station to test if my BMW electric car charges?

Yes, using an alternative charging station can help determine if the issue lies with the original station or the vehicle.

If the alternative charging station successfully charges your BMW electric car, it indicates a problem with the original station.

How do I update the software or firmware of my BMW electric car?

Visit the official BMW website, navigate to the software update section, and enter your vehicle’s VIN. Download the update file and copy it to a USB drive.

Insert the USB drive into your BMW’s media port, start the car, go to the “Settings” menu, select “Software Update,” and follow the on-screen instructions to install the update.

What should I do if the charging cable or connector is hot to the touch?

If the charging cable or connector feels excessively hot, immediately disconnect it and discontinue charging.

Excessive heat could indicate an issue with the charging system that requires professional inspection and repair.

Why is my BMW electric car taking longer than usual to charge?

Several factors can contribute to extended charging times, including a low power supply, high ambient temperature, or issues with the charging station or vehicle.

It’s recommended to check for any visible issues and consult a professional if the problem persists.

What should I do if I see warning lights or messages related to charging?

Pay attention to any warning lights or messages displayed on your BMW electric car’s dashboard.

Consult the vehicle’s manual or contact BMW customer support to understand the specific warning and take appropriate action.

When should I contact a professional technician regarding my BMW electric car not charging?

If you have performed basic troubleshooting steps and the charging issue persists, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance.

Contact a certified BMW technician who specializes in electric vehicles to diagnose and resolve the problem effectively.

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Official References & Resources

Our research for providing accurate information about BMW involved a thorough analysis of official resources, including the official BMW website owner’s manuals, technical specifications, and relevant support forums.

Our research and data gathering involved thorough analysis of the official websites, including:

Categories BMW

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